Thursday, July 24, 2008

To The Rescue

When every egg in the new package ended up on the hard tile floor...
our always faithful and diligent Corey was there.  
She never rests-ever.

These Shoes Are Made For Walking


 ...and a whole lot more- 

     Marketed as "Princess Reeboks", these shoes are not being worn by one. 

Thursday, July 3, 2008


    While ironing in my kitchen, I noticed one of our resident Mourning Doves on the power line in the alley.  He/she likes to sit there during the afternoons.  The rains came down, down, down...hard at times.
The bird sat, slightly hunched over but resolute and patient, or maybe just hot enough to get a cooling shower.  It's still out there, thirty minutes into the rain.  

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Circle of Life
     I knew Grizzly "had" something in the yard when I tried to call him in.  All I could see of him was his tail, wagging tentatively and very slowly.  I noticed a small fuzzy thing in his mouth when he eventually sauntered, proudly, towards the house.  He dropped whatever it was as soon as I started screaming at him to do so.  (not cool on my part- I am sure the neighbors wonder)
I watched in sadness as the baby bird struggled to right itself and then eventually ceased to move. Before I could get outside to move it to a spot under a large and sheltering rose bush to either recover or quietly die, a blue jay swooped down onto the patio, picked it up in his powerful beak and flew with it into the Sequoia tree.
     I haven't gone out to the yard yet, but a cursory glance revealed a few feathers scattered about on the ground under the tree.  That brings the dead baby bird count up to six this spring.   My little back yard eco system has all the drama of the bigger one we live in!