Sunday, June 29, 2008

Corey, again

Corey, never relaxing, checking out the kitchen skills of Anne and Ben.
...which are awesome. 

Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is Grizzly, 8:01 a.m., June 22-  securing some rays.

Corey, 8 a.m., Sunday 22nd of June, securing yet another perimeter.

The potential "incoming" is Diamond, neighboring feline (seen just to the right of bird house at top of surveillance photo).  this stand-off occurs 
more or less on a daily basis and lasts until Diamond decides it's over. 

 Corey never flinches.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Corey, still on duty.

Corey...Ever watchful, told you.

After a long day of watching over us-guarding gates, doors, marking territory, keeping Grizzly in line and in general, just being a Terrier type canine, Corey relaxes in a way that is typical Corey...unique.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Egypt's  sacred tombs with buried treasure have nothing on this beetle I saw in my garden yesterday.  I thought a gold earring had fallen on a leaf. When the earring started eating the sweet potato leaf, I guessed it was alive.

Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a lady bug size GOLD bug...not yellow,  gold.

When I have time, I'll look it up.  

Friday, June 13, 2008

Grizzly loves people but not all people love big black scary creatures like him.  In deference to a young guest who doesn't know dogs well, we put him in Anne's room during her family's visit last night.  (Corey had already been sent to Dr. Pam's jail for the night because she barks when she is put into a space away from us -unlike the Griz who is happy in almost any situation).

The family visit took place on the back court yard- the evening was wonderfully pleasant and a good time was had by all...sans 
Grizzly was let out to join the two of us when company left.  The next morning, when I went into Anne's room to dust it in preparation for a house guest coming in today, I noticed that the bedspread had indentations and telltale Newfie fur on it.  Grizzly never gets on beds, but it was definitely his signature.  I laughed out loud when I realized that he had been on the bed in order to watch the goings on outside.  The window facing the back yard is right next to the bed.  
                                                      Grizzly loves people.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This angel is drawing- how appropriate for my garden.  
Hope the dogs don't knock him down during a chase...
he needs to be there.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Don't you feel like this sometimes?  You can do anything.  The morning is fresh, you are rested and the world is yours.  This unknown-to-me action figure was left behind in clothing after the last grandson visit.  I will return him the next time I see the boys (soon, I hope) and I will probably miss him.  He is perched above the dryer-watching over daily laundry rituals.

He soars with daring, confidence and impunity to fight or defend... never looking back or down. 

   I hope he is not evil.    

   The day is just begun- fly into it, one and all.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

     Today is Saturday and a let down day after having some of the family home.  Anne and Ben (and Leigh), Jim and Lindsay and Will and Toby were all here for the opening of my art show "Marking Time" at Oglebay Institute's Stifel Fine Arts Center.  It was the biggest crowd they had ever had for an opening, I hear from the staff.  By day two, I had sold nine works, also a record for them (and for me).   Reenactors in dress and Gallowglass playing in the dining room enhanced the mood and people stayed and stayed.   My family's presence made the evening for me!  some stragglers from the event came home and had a light supper on the courtyard surrounded by roses blooming and scenting the humid night air.  Phyllis and Bruce from next door joined us also and Phyllis and Lindsay realized they had met each other six years ago right next door at 34 Poplar Ave.! Today clean up and changing beds and missing those who could come and those who couldn't.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Meet Rose

My first blog!  This site is dedicated to several Roses.

This is my mother, Rose, at about three years of age.  She stayed with us for only a short time- 53 years of sweetness, guidance and uncomplicated love and not a day goes by that I do not miss her.  Forty years of not having her ...

This passage written by Pat B. Allen in her book Art Is A Spiritual Path is a treasure.

"When you do not have a mother there are certain things you do not know.  Like what is enough?  Or when to rest; when to be quiet.  Then again there are other things that come to you as gifts through that space, that emptiness left by her absence.  You will always carry the imprint of her fears, her unrealized dreams the unfinished and half begun possibilities.  Remember that her spirit is always near with wise guidance ask! Ask!  Then be very still out of the void will come what seem to be demons stay. .. Stay...allow your eyes to soften to soften, soften see that they are angels and that everything is revealed."