Friday, June 13, 2008

Grizzly loves people but not all people love big black scary creatures like him.  In deference to a young guest who doesn't know dogs well, we put him in Anne's room during her family's visit last night.  (Corey had already been sent to Dr. Pam's jail for the night because she barks when she is put into a space away from us -unlike the Griz who is happy in almost any situation).

The family visit took place on the back court yard- the evening was wonderfully pleasant and a good time was had by all...sans 
Grizzly was let out to join the two of us when company left.  The next morning, when I went into Anne's room to dust it in preparation for a house guest coming in today, I noticed that the bedspread had indentations and telltale Newfie fur on it.  Grizzly never gets on beds, but it was definitely his signature.  I laughed out loud when I realized that he had been on the bed in order to watch the goings on outside.  The window facing the back yard is right next to the bed.  
                                                      Grizzly loves people.

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